Articles by Ben Preston
Orbis Global Equity: Positioned for multiple views of the future
2020 has been quite a year and many of us are undoubtedly looking forward to putting it in the past. The pandemic, global lockdowns, US elections, one of the...
Orbis: Turn away from the noise and look to the long term
Much has been written about the emotional cycle of fear and greed in investing. Both panic and excessive optimism can create extraordinary opportunities for...
Orbis: enthusiasm for the portfolio
Contrarian investing is a strange profession. When things are going well, you can look like a magician – earning extraordinary returns while others flounder....
Finding value in an over-valued world
Defensive shares are normally a safe place to “hide” when valuations look high, but Orbis is currently finding more opportunities among cyclical shares where...
Tech stocks: Is history repeating itself?
To cut through the suspense, let me admit up front that I’m not going to answer the question directly: we don’t find it productive to spend a lot of time...
Orbis: We welcome the rise of passive investing
The Wall Street Journal ran a series this month commemorating the rise of passive investing. The articles make ‘the case for the triumph of passive’, calling...
Pursuing long-term returns without simply reaching for risk
Ben Preston and Maurits Ovaa explain why Orbis believes minimising losses is arguably more important than maximising gains at a time when many stock markets ...
Pursuing long-term returns without simply reaching for risk
Ben Preston and Maurits Ovaa explain why Orbis believes minimising losses is arguably more important than maximising gains at a time when many stock markets ...
Do not confuse stability with safety
According to Ben Preston, from our offshore partner Orbis, Orbis and Allan Gray's strict adherence to our bottom-up research process keeps us focused on...
Japan: economic pessimism creates buying opportunities
As bottom-up stock pickers, we believe that great investment opportunities can be found in even the most challenging conditions. Japan is a perfect example....